Faculty: What's New Archives

What's New in 3.11

Display Options: Completion

Having completion settings shown on the main course page is the default preference, but you can turn them off there if you wish. Note that if this option is turned off on the main course page, completion tracking icons will still be shown when learners open an activity.

To turn off the display, click on the course admin gear in the upper right corner and select Edit settings. Scroll down to change the Show activity completion conditions to No in the Completion tracking section. (Note: Please do not disable completion tracking completely from your course as many students rely on it to help them keep track of what they have done and still need to do.) NOTE: The "Mark as done" boxes will continue to be displayed even if you change this setting to No—because there aren't any conditions attached to them. (Remember, this is all Moodle's idea, not ours!)

Screenshot of Appearance and Completion settings from the Edit settings menu