Welcome to Sustainable Food Systems: The Land! 

This hands-on farm-based course explores the basics of the food system with a specific focus on sustainability. We explore all aspects of the food system including gardening, farming, and culinary arts. This is one part of a three part series.  The Land focuses on soil health, composting, pruning, orchards, and vineyards.

All courses are taught at The Farm at SOU, 155 Walker Ave., Ashland, OR.  You are encouraged to walk from campus, which will take 10-20 minutes depending on your walking speed and where you start.  Should you need to drive, please park in the Science Works parking lot and walk over to the farm. 

Seeing as this class is being taught in the winter months of January, February, and March it is likely to be cold, wet, and windy.  Please come dressed to be outside regardless of the weather.  Should the weather be too cold, wet, or windy, class will be held indoors.  When this is the case, I will send out an announcement by noon on the day of class, so be sure to check your email.