Your assignment for the first week this term is to answer the following questions. Please be thorough with your answers. 

  1. Briefly describe your independent exploration/project and your process/studio practice.

  2. Describe your goals for the term in regards to your individual body of work and exploration.

  3. How many works are you planning to make? List the number of works, sizes/dimensions, mediums, etc. that you plan on making. Set ambitious goals. How will you hold yourself accountable for these goals?

  1. Please include your capstone/thesis show dates and planned CVA space that you are working towards for Spring.

  1. When will you work? Make a weekly schedule. Include all other obligations (other classes, job, etc.) Include a full page schedule in this homework.

Please complete and submit your responses to these questions on Moodle before this Saturday, 4/6 at 5 PM.