Course Description: Provides a comprehensive overview of US business law, including the legal system, contracts, torts, intellectual property, agency, employment, and business organization forms. Emphasizes practical legal knowledge and explores how laws impact business operations, focusing on risk management, contract disputes, business formation, and compliance with government regulation. Introduces legal challenges in business through real cases and legal terminology.
*Required Text: Business Law Today, The Essentials, Miller, Cengage Publisher. 11-13th eds acceptable HANNON LIBRARY - 11th Ed. MILLER is on reserve. Section 3 of MILLER is used for BA 478 Corporate Law, which is required for accounting students - elective all other concentrations.
The course covers three central units of business law:
1. Unit 1 – Legal & Foundations of Business, Source, and Nature of The Law; Importance of The Law in Business & Ethics, Intellectual Property, Tort Law, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. Chapters 1-7
2. Unit 2 - Business Contracts, Banking, Finances, Bankruptcy, including the elements of contract formation, the importance of contract remedies, and critical considerations in negotiating business agreements. Chapters 8-16
3. Unit 3 – Employment Law & Entrepreneurship: Important employment statutes include business acquisition and lease agreements. These topics are essential to sound business management. Chapters 17-18.
Weekly Course Delivery: This course is offered online in Moodle. Each week, students need to:
1. Read the assigned reading (text/article), PowerPoints, and watch all videos posted
2. Contribute to the weekly GROUP Discussion Board Forums (DBFs) and apply the relevant content topic to your assigned business industry.
3. Respond to the assigned quiz(zes).
4. Complete the two Case Briefs and Intellectual Property Law Assignment in Moodle. On these weeks, there will not be a DBF.
- Teacher: Rebecca Williams